
Busan Citytour Bus

Green Line

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Jagalchi-BIFF Plaza(Yongdusan Park)

Each course of the Busan City Tour allows you to visit all the famous tourist attractions in Busan at once.

Jagalchi-BIFF Plaza(Yongdusan Park)

Jagalchi-BIFF Plaza(Yongdusan Park) Introduction

Jagalchi-BIFF Plaza(Yongdusan Park) Img
  1. Station Name : Jagalchi-BIFF Plaza(Yongdusan Park)
  2. Bus Stop : Opposite of Tom N Toms Busan Nampo (BRT platform)
  3. Location : 41, Gudeok-ro, Jung-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
  4. Info : +82-51-245-2594~5
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