Busan Citytour Bus

1:1 고객상담

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고객센터 목록(List)
번호(Number) 제목(Title) 첨부파일(Attachment) 작성자(Writer) 등록일(Date) 답변(Response)
5038 I would like to make an appointment 11/23 secret RUIJHONG 2016.10.02 완료(Y)
5037 I would like to make an appointment 11/18 secret LEE PEI 2016.10.02 완료(Y)
5036 I would love to make an appointment on 10/25 secret CHEN TZU YUN 2016.09.30 완료(Y)
5035 1001 야경투어 질문 secret YE 2016.09.29 완료(Y)
5034 Resevation secret Icy 2016.09.28 완료(Y)
5033 I Would like to make an appintment secret YI JIE 2016.09.27 완료(Y)
5032 Dear YI JIE, Please write one more time. -BUTI- secret 차효연 2016.09.27 대기(N)
5031 Night Tour Reservation secret Szu-Ta 2016.09.27 완료(Y)
5030 야경투어 질문 secret dd 2016.09.27 완료(Y)
5029 I would like to make an appointment 10/06 secret OU YANG 2016.09.27 완료(Y)