Busan Citytour Bus

1:1 고객상담

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고객센터 목록(List)
번호(Number) 제목(Title) 첨부파일(Attachment) 작성자(Writer) 등록일(Date) 답변(Response)
5178 I Would like to make an appointment 4/1 secret CHINHUA 2017.03.23 완료(Y)
5177 I Would like to make an appointment 3/31 secret Cindy 2017.03.22 완료(Y)
5176 결제관련 secret 김연실 2017.03.22 완료(Y)
5175 문의합니다 secret 이연희 2017.03.21 완료(Y)
5174 I would like to make an appointment 3/29 secret tina 2017.03.21 완료(Y)
5173 ▼Dear Tina, we cannot open the page of you. Please write again▼ secret 차효연 2017.03.21 대기(N)
5172 부산시티투어광고 문의 secret 하울 2017.03.20 완료(Y)
5171 Make an appointment 3/29 night sightseeing bus. secret tina 2017.03.20 대기(N)
5170 Reservation of March 29 or 30 secret keyating 2017.03.19 완료(Y)
5169 Double Decker Bus Night View tour Reservations secret klmah 2017.03.17 완료(Y)